Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Can Facebook ruin a good relationship ?

In my opinion, I would have to say no. While I often hear people saying facebook is the reason for breakups and cheating, I try to explain to them that facebook is only a social media network and what you do on facebook are your actions, not facebooks.
Facebook may very well be an easy way to come in contact with people, chat with them, and so forth. But you can also come in contact with people just by walking down the street or attending an event. As much as people may think facebook has a negative effect on their personal lives and relationships; facebook is not the reason people cheat, breakup, lie, or deceive. 9 out of 10 this problem already existed, facebook just makes it easier for one to see.
Taking responsibily for your actions is the right thing to do. As adults we should know our place, we should know what to do and what not to do. For example, being on facebook chatting with a guy/girl at 2:00 a.m. is not something a married or person in a relationship should be doing. Facebook does not make your choices you as a person make your own choices. With that being said Facebook does not ruin relationships (my opinion).
"Facebook Relationship Shirt"

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